Image of a shipyard with three cranes with an orange sunset in the background.

Introducing YardScore

Navigating through the options of shipyards and choosing the right one can be a complex task. YardScore will help you make a real impact where it matters.

Ensuring compliance with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards adds another layer of complexity to your operations. How can you identify a shipyard that meets the demands of your project while adhering to these important standards?

There is an increasing focus on environmental regulations, particularly in the EU and Norway, which has led to a greater demand for transparency and responsible practices in ship recycling. We observe growing interest from banks, investors, pension funds and insurance companies in the end-of-life treatment of ships.

With YardScore we aim to provide this transparency.


How it works

The illustration below shows, in a simplified way, how YardScore will work:

Infographics showing the process for YardScore

Regardless of whether they are recycling yards or repair yards, the yards will start the process by answering a set of questions through our web application. We have based the questions sent to the shipyards on global regulations, with the ILO conventions, UN Guidelines for Business and Human Rights, and IMO’s Hong Kong Convention as the baseline.

We will verify the data against the uploaded documentation. Additionally, we will organise standardised and risk-based physical audits at the yards through our network of partners. Third-party trained surveyors will carry out this audit and will be in line with the ISO-17029:2019 standard.

The yard will get a final score as a percentage of the maximum achievable points in each category. We award additional points for practices that are better than the requirements by law or regulations.

Finally, we will provide each yard with a profile in YardScore, clearly showcasing the yard’s results in the measured areas. It will also make it easy to compare the yard to the average of all yards and all yards in the region.

Interface images from the YardScore App

YardScore enables companies to go from ambitions to making a real impact where it matters. It will go live by the end of 2024. Contact us if you want to be a part of this from day 1!

Contact our team!